Ayurvedic Diabetic Treatment

Diabetes mellitus, generally known as diabetes, is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. The hormone insulin transports sugar from the blood into your cells to be stored or used for energy.

Without taking care of a proper diet, diabetes can lead to a build-up of sugars in the blood, which can increase the risk of dangerous complications such as stroke and heart diseases. Gradual increase in Diabetes can lead to diabetic complications like blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage. diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic neuropathy. These damages are the result of damage to small vessels, referred to as a microvascular disease.

Hyperglycaemia causes to spillage of glucose into the urine, hence the term “sweet urine”.

Types of Diabetes

Three major diabetes can develop are TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and GESTATIONAL diabetes.

Causes of Diabetes

  • Excessive intake of foods that are difficult to digest.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • mental stress
  • Excessive sleep
  • Excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Overloading of proteins and fats
  • Hereditary factors

Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Frequent infections
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Hunger
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Slow-healing wounds, cuts, or sores
  • Itching skin
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • weight loss/weight gain.

Ayurveda Management for Diabetes

Ayurveda reflects poor digestion as the primary cause of diabetes. Weak digestion causes the production of a sticky toxin, known as ama that can add to the pancreatic cells and damage the production of insulin.

The DIABETIC AYURVEDA TREATMENT includes a holistic approach with panchakarma Detox procedures, herbal medication, a diet plan, Foot care, exclusive Yoga sessions which help for diabetes, and Body constitution analysis will help you adapt your individual lifestyle for long-term benefit.

Book your appointment with our expert doctors for diabetic management.

Jeeva Ayurveda hospital provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kochi and Kerala


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