Pizhichil Treatment

Pizhichil with oil is a modified form of Parisheka Sweda developed as a specialty of Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. It is the process by which the body is made to perspire by pouring warm medicated oil in a specific manner. It has the advantage of producing Snehana and Swedana effects at the same moment. The patient is made to sit on the treatment table – dhroni with legs extended. A gentle massage is performed by therapists attending on either side of the patient. The oil for Pouring is heated by keeping the vessel in a hot water bath and the temperature of the oil must be comfortable for the patient. A piece of cloth is dipped in the warm oil and squeezed over the body with the right hand. Simultaneously gentle massage is done with the left hand also. The oil flows in a uniform stream from the thumb facing downwards from a specific height or as per the condition of the disease and patient. The process is to be continued in different positions. After the procedure, the body of the patient is massaged gently and oil is wiped off with a clean towel. Rest is advised for a few minutes followed by a hot water bath. The medicated powder is applied over the scalp and oral medicines according to the condition are given. A normal diet is generally prescribed. This process stimulates the neuromuscular system; increases peripheral circulation improves the functions of the skin, and sense organs, and provides nourishment.

Jeeva Ayurveda hospital provides the best Ayurvedic Treatments like Pizhichil in Kochi and Kerala.

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